CITATION: PITOŇÁK, Michal. Lições da ‘Periferia’: Contrariando a Hegemonia AngloGeográfica sobre as Geografias de Sexualidade e Gênero. Revista Latino Americana de Geografia e Gênero, v. 10, n. 2, p. 227 251, ISSN 21772886. (I am… Read More "Lições da‘Periferia’: Contrariando a Hegemonia Anglo-Geográfica sobre as Geografias de Sexualidade e Gênero"
„Queer podniky“ v Brně
CITATION: Šerý, O., & Pitoňák, M. (2019). „Queer podniky“ v Brně. Sociální Studia, 16(1), 79–102. Retrieved from Abstract: Brno, Czech Republic is amongst the most liberal of cities and yet, but few know that… Read More "„Queer podniky“ v Brně"
Lessons from the “Periphery”: Countering Anglo-Geographic Hegemony over geographies of sexuality and gender
CITATION: Pitoňák, M. (2019). Lessons from the “Periphery”: Countering Anglo-Geographic Hegemony over geographies of sexuality and gender. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 1573, 1. Abstract: This article has three aims. First, I discuss the existing inequalities… Read More "Lessons from the “Periphery”: Countering Anglo-Geographic Hegemony over geographies of sexuality and gender"
V sexuálním closetu / Geografie „ne-heterosexuálních lidí“
CITATION: Pitoňák, M. (2019). V sexuálním closetu / Geografie „ne-heterosexuálních lidí“. In R. Osman & L. Pospíšilová (Eds.), Geografie „okrajem“: Každodenní časoprostorové zkušenosti (pp. 147–182). Praha: Univerzita Karlova. SUMMARY: Focus of this chapter is multivalent.… Read More "V sexuálním closetu / Geografie „ne-heterosexuálních lidí“"

Excursions that I lead
Prague: Past & Present from Michal Pitonak on Vimeo. Read More "Excursions that I lead"
Homophobic Prejudice in Czech Youth: a Sociodemographic Analysis of Young People’s Opinions on Homosexuality
Abstract The aims of this study are to provide momentum to research on homophobic prejudice in Czechia and to identify the significant factors influencing or mediating homophobic attitudes in Czech youth. The paper first contextualizes… Read More "Homophobic Prejudice in Czech Youth: a Sociodemographic Analysis of Young People’s Opinions on Homosexuality"
Queer geographies of sexualities: sociocultural organization of sexualities in space and (de)construction of heteronormativity
Dissertation thesis, date of defense: 2015 September, 10. Abstract: Geographies of sexualities started to develop within the Anglo-American academic context during the late 1980s. In the 1990s, propelled by the cultural turn, the swelling of… Read More "Queer geographies of sexualities: sociocultural organization of sexualities in space and (de)construction of heteronormativity"
Economic, Cultural and Social Factors Influencing the Development of Gay Businesses and Places: Evidence from the European Union
Abstract The late 20th century emergence of gay neighbourhoods and their related businesses has been examined by a number of researchers, but few have tackled this issue on a larger scale compared to case studies… Read More "Economic, Cultural and Social Factors Influencing the Development of Gay Businesses and Places: Evidence from the European Union"
Urban spatiality in the context of (homo/hetero)sexuality: Introduction to a theoretical debate in geographies of sexualities
Abstract: The relevance and importance of sexualities as a geographical issue is yet to be recognized in Czechia, wherefore the main purpose of this article is to give spark to momentum to Czech geographies of… Read More "Urban spatiality in the context of (homo/hetero)sexuality: Introduction to a theoretical debate in geographies of sexualities"
Spatiality, institutionalization and contextuality of heteronormativity: Study of non -heterosexual identity negotiation in Czechia
Abstract: The article focuses on the relationship between space and sexuality, phenomena rarely studied together in the Czech social sciences. I use heteronormativity to describe the power polarization of largely socially constructed institutionalized relations between… Read More "Spatiality, institutionalization and contextuality of heteronormativity: Study of non -heterosexual identity negotiation in Czechia"